Champion Kurt Teutsch, Ph.D., was born in Leipzig, Germany, the first child of Friedrich W. and Elisabeth B. Teutsch. Later in his life, he realized his father’s attitudes compelled him to try to prove to others he was worthwhile and successful. This attitude drove him to research various ways of doing anything in which he became interested. As a result, he was fascinated by the concepts Joel shared with him the night they met.
He was motivated to teach and help people around the world. In conjunction with his late-wife Joel Marie Teutsch developed a unique scientific approach to the solution for every kind of problem, they created The Teutsch IDEAL Method which is tailored to each person and the circumstances of their lives. In all communications, Champion was consistent. He suggested what you usually think and say about others, along with what you think or say about your own life, will affect your future.
When Joel passed away, he found it increasingly difficult to tour without frustration as Joel had effortlessly took care of all arrangements of their traveling. He often mentioned his belief that God and Joel directed him to Shirin Rokni. Years after their first meeting, Dr. Teutsch invited Shirin to be his business partner and later on the President of ATIM.
Teutsch’s intensive research proved that the same genetic code that determines man’s physical appearance prenatally also decrees his outlook on life, behavior and experience. Most important, he discovered a unique and effective way to modify undesirable hereditary predispositions. In contrast to traditional techniques, he gets quick and lasting results. Once Teutsch helps his client break his genetic code, the sky is the limit.
Teutsch’s clients include U.S. presidents and congressmen, Emmy and Oscar winners like Louis Gossett Jr. and Jack Palance, as well as physicians, attorneys and realtors plus insurance and engineering firms.
Teutsch was a popular guest on many radio shows and such TV shows as The Tonight Show and Donahue. He is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare and Who’s Who in Science and Engineering.
After demonstrating his expertise on a complex case, Teutsch was named visiting professor of medicine by the dean at the University of Florida’s medical college. He has discussed his method at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, where he enabled a 35-year old TV personality to embark upon a successful teaching career after her case had baffled, for two futile years, a team of eight physicians and two clinical psychologists who labeled her, falsely, according to Teutsch, as a catatonic schizophrenic.
In 1993, Teutsch was named chairman of the International Human Research Center “SunRay” in Moscow-Russia, where he gave seminars and private consultations. He also lectured at Moscow State University. Teutsch conducted seminars and private consultations in Tokyo-Japan, Tel Aviv-Israel and Munich-Germany.
On April 21, 1999, the Russian Federation’s Ministry of Justice officially endorsed the Teutsch’s psychogenetics for human improvement. In order to save lives, heartaches and expense, Teutsch is prepared to share his research results and expertise with physicians, public health officials, educators and concerned parents.
Dr. Teutsch passed away on December 25, 2005.